"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein."
- H Jackson Brown
The one special quality that you possess that none of the others mentioned had is your own unique perspective. No one can give to the world what you can, just as no one can make this time your own but you. And the blessing is, as Anne Frank so beautifully pointed out, "...nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
There is no perfect moment and opportunity to get things done. it's now or never.
"You hear it all the time: a new experience cannot occur until you clear a space. It sounds like a cliche, but it is logical and true. If a house is full of clutter, there is no room for a new piano. You must clear away a space. If you buy a new refrigerator, you must get rid of the old one. It's logical. Everyone knows its true — but how often do we resist this lesson when it comes to the clutter in our mind?
"We keep hatred, grievances, jealousy and limitation — all the while trying to move in HUGE new ideas like love, joy and abundance.
"These things literally will not fit in your mind while it is cluttered with old ideas."
-Lisa Natoli
A cluttered mind really is a terrible space to waste. Maybe it's time to pack away a few old beliefs and ideas along with those negative reactions that harm you so you can get on with the business of developing a beautifully blessed life.
i need to clear off both the seen and unseen mess soon..
"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no results.
- Ghandi
The people who make the most significant differences in our world are not those who are fearless but those who fear that they will not make a difference but make the effort anyway. Fearlessness is not necessary for world change. But willingness is.
and then decide to really get down to DO smth..
" Success is built on the ability to do better than good enough."
- Author unknown
Success is also the ability to expect and prepare for the best. For when we prepare daily to see beauty, love, joy, peace, prosperity and wholeness, wherever we go; when we prepare to see a world filled with goodness and richness and bounty; when we prepare to see ourselves and everyone around us as the truly remarkable individuals we were meant to be, then through our preparation, that which we expect is formed. And we are open to the blessings that flow when all that wonderful preparation begins to pay off.
and then bank it on success to do better than good enough.
gentle reminder: i am not here to plan to make a plan but to put the plan into action.
"We are always getting ready to live, but never living."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Far too many of us spend our entire lives as if we were planning a vacation. "We'll do this when we get there," we promise ourselves, and "we must be sure to see that!" And then we just keep on planning. Unfortunately, life is not the plan. It's the vacation.
*throbs @03:05 <3
There .
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